Fully Customizable Stock Music & Hollywood Quality Sound Effects. Buy once, Use Forever!
Our Music, Your Design
Customize in Browser or Desktop
Customize in your Browser
Customize in your browser or get even more features with our award-winning software SONICFIRE PRO
Customize on your Desktop
Customize in your browser or get even more features with our award-winning software SONICFIRE PRO
Smartsound’s Music is Unique - Just Like You!
Smartsound is so much more than just regular stock music. Only Smartsound offers you unique features that make your soundtrack creation faster, better and more individual.

Pay once for a track, use it forever. With Smartsound’s mixing and track variation features, you can customize each track to your exact specifications. The possibilities are endless.

Most Smartsound tracks offer you the possibility to control the volume for each instrument track separately. So you can create your individual mix at any time.

Customize each track in your browser or experience even more features with our desktop application Sonicfire Pro.

Add impressive & production-ready sound effects to your video. With the hit-file feature, it will always stay at just the right moment.

Smartsound’s music and sound effects are cleared for all your social media channels. Hassle-free so you don’t have to deal with legal issues.
Our Award-winning Software that saves You HOURS of Music Editing.
You can customize purchased Smartsound® Tracks in your browser. Sonicfire® Pro gives you even more incredible features to create the perfect soundtrack in a fraction of the usual editing time.

Incredibly powerful features like Mood-Mapping, Cut-Video-To-Music, Hit-Files, Timing-Control and more.
LEARN MOREImport a Video and create your Soundtrack directly to picture.
LEARN MOREDrag’n’drop your custom soundtrack to your video editing software.
LEARN MORESmartsound’s music & software is trusted by
Frequently Asked Questions
Smartsound music is unique in the fact that you can customize any song to the exact length you need it to be. Instead of downloading and storing a single audio file, you instead can create a custom audio file anytime depending on your specific needs. Our system can instantly deliver a professionally edited audio file at any given duration that you choose, each with multiple arrangement options (Variations) and mix presets (Moods). There are a few different ways you can access your purchased Smartsound music:
Download audio files directly from Smartsound.com
Audio files can be downloaded directly from the website using our online web application. Choose your track and enter the custom parameters and download the audio as a .wav, .aif, or .mp3 files.
Moving your Sound Files to another storage location
By default, the source audio files are stored in the following
PC: C:\ProgramData\SmartSound Software Inc\Sound Files\
Mac: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/SmartSound/Sound
You can find this folder quickly by opening the
Preferences menu, then selecting the Folders tab
and clicking the Browse button. To store the sound files in a
custom location, click the Add Folder button and select the
folder to configure the new storage location. Use the
Set Copy Destination button to set which folder new music
should be installed to. You can then manually transfer the .sds
files into the new folder and relaunch Sonicfire Pro and it will
now locate the files from the new folder location.
We "whitelist" all of our exclusive music - that is, music owned 100% by us. This music is in Content ID under our name, and no copyright claims will ever be initiated from our end. According to YouTube's Content ID guidelines, any music uploaded into Content ID must be 100% exclusively owned, but in practice this is not regulated and misattributed claims can often occur.
Usually these invalid claims can be most quickly removed by first disputing the claim through your YouTube account, and then contacting the claimant company directly. Most of them have forms or email addresses specifically for disputing YouTube claims. The system through YouTube is mostly automated, contacting the claimant directly and submitting a support ticket for review usually gets the claims cleared much faster. Include a link to the video(s) with the claims, the name of the music track used along with the composer and publisher information (if available). State that you have already purchased a valid sync license from SmartSound for the usage and request they promptly release the claim and that documentation can be provided upon request if required (it usually is not). For reference, the contact addresses for the most common claimants are:
for SourceAudio: support@sourceaudio.com
for AdRev: adrev@audiomicroinc.zendesk.com
for AdShare: claims@adshare.tv
for Getty Music: contentid@rumblefish.com
We made a video that has all of the relevant information and shows you right where to file the dispute, which you can view here If the disputes are ever denied, let us know and we will back you up and can get involved to ensure they are released, but usually it doesn't come to this. If you have any trouble getting a claim released and have already contacted the claimant and been denied or haven’t heard back, please send the same information above to support@smartsound.com.
For European customers:
Certain tracks are tagged as “PRO Free". This means that this music has been specifically created to exclude control by European and other foreign nations Performance Rights Organizations (PROs). Smartsound music, even without the PRO Free designation, is almost never flagged by the European PROs so Smartsound’s music in general is quite safe to use worldwide (see license). However this option may be good for you if your distribution focus (over and above the web) will be Europe or other countries outside the U.S. and Canada. Please see our list of Smartsound PRO-Free music.